Leanne becomes qualified photographer !

Well that was a quick 6 months !

Leanne started with us when we opened the new studio in Feb, and in that short time has got her photography to such an amazing level that she learned today that she has passed as a Licentiate with The Master Photographers Association.

Gaining your ‘L’ is no easy task, and I should know as I mentor and judge for the MPA and see some photographers take years to get to this level.

3 other judges were checking Leanne’s work though – I obviously couldn’t be on THAT judging team, but all 3 judges passed her work, and now Leanne is a full bona fide qualified photographer !

We are so proud and happy for her.

Leanne Kerr LMPA will look good on the website and marketing now 🙂

Well done Leanne !!