Our post code of EH32 0PL , is technically Longniddry, but as you can see by the maps, we’re bang in the middle between Haddington & Longniddry.
Either way, we are only 5 minutes off the A1 from the east or west.
For Sat Navs, try the post code EH32 0PL , or punch in Wheatrig Business Hub.
>>>> ** Super Hint…. CLICK HERE for Google Maps Co-ordinates <<<<
For people coming from Edinburgh:
Coming from Edinburgh off the A1, it’s off at Gladsmuir, and one right hand turn before you are at the bottom of our farm track.
Watch this video of us doing this journey…
For people coming from Dunbar or Haddington (East on the A1);
Go to the far side of Haddington and come off at The Oaktree junction aas if you were going to Gladsmuir, take the second junction on the right, sign posted for Elvingston & Trabroun. Follow this road ALL the way until you come to a junction, where you turn right… follow the road, past two red roofed cottages (one either side of the road) and you’ll see our building up on top of the hill on the right. You turn off to the right quite soon after the cottages.
Watch this video for us doing this journey in our car 🙂
For people coming from North Berwick, Aberlady etc…. just Sat Nav it or use What3Words
And… if you get stuck, phone Ali on 07930 166715